Scriptural Ground


I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better (Ephesians 1:17 NIV).


Prayer of Approach


Living God, you know my need to draw nearer to you. Your views and your perspectives can lead me into a deeper appreciation for what you are doing in my life. You offer me a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ as I ponder what is written in Holy Scripture. Open for me the way into all that you intend to accomplish through the life that I live from day to day. Provide me with insight into what you expect of me as I interact with those who share my life and as I participate in the unfolding circumstances in which I am called to live. Teach me to speak in agreement with the promises of your Word. Through my actions let me represent you faithfully.  So bring about the renewal of my mind as I consider the various aspects of the life that has been given to me that I may rejoice in the knowledge that you are at work for good in all that comes to pass.

Through the living Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, hear my prayer.



A Moment With God


Here is the content of a prayer that invites us to reevaluate where we are putting our emphasis in the relationships that we share with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. What do we want from our prayer lives? Why do we spend time in the presence of the living God? For the writer of Ephesians 1:17 the answer to such questions has in mind the deepening of our relationships with the God with whom we are meeting. God who has acted in all that Jesus has done for us wants us to know Him better. The One who has been given all authority in heaven and on earth is not only interested in serving His Father’s interests but also desires that we should know more deeply the One whom we ourselves are called to serve. The eternal Spirit who shares the divinity of the Father and the Son is not only able to provide wisdom to enhance our relationships with others and give revelation concerning the things of God but is also interested in pursuing these tasks in our lives in order that we may more deeply discover the reality of God at work in us for His eternal glory. Let us seek out the One to whom we pray expecting to know Him better.