Scriptural Ground

Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark (James 3:5 NIV).

Prayer of Approach

Sovereign Lord, your presence is eternal, your strength is beyond compare, your wisdom guides all of life. Surely you are the God who is to be praised for you have done great and mighty things to bring people to yourself that they may know you as the Saviour for whom they have been searching. Your Name is glorified in the lives of those who tell of your wondrous love, your deep compassion, your boundless mercy, your everlasting grace, your enduring faithfulness. Through the gift of speech you are able to unveil the pathway to life that is eternal. Cause the truth of your presence among us to be shared with those who are in need of true encounter with you.

Through the living Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, hear this prayer. Amen.

A Moment With God

When words leave the mouth of the one who uttered them there is no way to retrieve them and prevent them from being heard. Great care, then, must be taken in selecting the words to be spoken, lest it be discovered that they do not serve to advance the purposes of God. What a privilege it is to speak for Him who is the Saviour, to communicate an awareness of His will to those who are willing to discover it. It is appropriate, then, to choose paths of thought that have arisen out of repeated encounters with the presence of God that will produce words that reflect His intervention as we communicate with those around us.