Scriptural Ground


Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses (1 Timothy 6:12 NIV).


Prayer of Approach


Almighty God, Source of strength for living and hope for the future, let me be empowered by your grace to fulfill your will and expectations of me as I turn to you in this moment. It is you who drew me to yourself. It is you who gave me a place in your household of faith, surrounding me with those who have learned your ways and discovered your purposes for their lives. You placed your Word of truth in my mind and nourished my soul with the knowledge of your goodness. You strengthened me in spirit as you brought me into your presence and caused me to worship at the foot of your glorious throne. Continue to pour into my life the fullness of your eternal life that my relationship with you may grow and prosper. Remove from before me what seeks to oppose your will that I may be able to accomplish all that you have purposed for my life.

Through Jesus Christ who is Lord, receive this prayer.



A Moment With God


For the Christian believer it is important to be able to look back and remember how the journey to the present situation got started. We were not alone. Different witnesses to the reality of Christ’s saving power influenced our understanding. We encountered His presence for ourselves and could not escape His call to us to belong to Him. We discovered that He could communicate with us in meaningful ways and we were assured of His guidance. The objections to advancement in our relationship with Him only serve to remind us of how important it is to keep that relationship alive and growing from day to day. He will watch over us and guard our lives as we continue to trust in Him. The present obstacle must be met with the knowledge that His Word is true. It is upon His Word that we must fix our minds as we seek the way forward. It shall surely guide us rightly in the midst of the changing scenes of life.